Youth Ministers:
Our youth group is open to Grades 6th - 12th.
Youth Group Officers:
Diego Lopez
Vice President
Emely Lara
Carlee Coffman
Music & Photography
GiGi Martinez
All Youth
Saint Pope John Paul II said in 1995 at the World Youth Day "What is needed today is a Church which knows how to respond to the expectations of young people."
The goals for St. Mary's Youth Ministry are:
1. To guide our youth toward a life of fullness in Jesus Christ, and to give us the tools that will enable us to live out that fullness as Catholic Christians.
2. To include the youth in our parish and on the faith to a new generation.
3. To live as Disciples of Christ by sharing our talents with each other and the parish community.
We, the Youth Group, strive to bring our peers and their families to worship together and actively participate in the Eucharist celebration of Mass. We currently have youth group members actively participating as lectors, choir members, ushers and altar servers.
We had over 100 kids attend the Bread of Life Retreat, where the focus was on the Mass. We support involvement in Diocesan Spiritual formation programs by offering an active youth Arise Program. Recently we attended the Region 10 Youth Conference in San Angelo. We were an active part in all the fundraisers that were held from the brisket burritos to the pulled pork sandwiches and the t-shirt which we designed ourselves. All the work paid off in abundant spiritual blessings throughout the weekend in San Angelo.
We are advocates for social ministries that allow us to experience and express caring service and compassion for others. We are ring the bell yearly for the the Salvation Army. We also participate with Souper Bowl of Caring in which we raise money for the local soup kitchen.
As we the youth live out our faith and generously share our talents with each other and the community, the youth ministry team hopes to be preparing us to become active participants in whatever parish community we may find ourselves.