We, the Catholic community of St. Mary Queen of Peace in Brownwood, Texas, are a community of faith. We strive to follow Christ's commandment to love one another and we are committed to living and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
We welcome those in need and serve one another by living the Gospel and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are faithful to God's call to ministry by accepting and sharing our stewardship of God's gift of time, talent and treasure for the good of our community. We advance and improve religious education among our children and adults. We extend our hospitality to all. Firmly rooted in the social teachings of the Catholic church, we uphold all human rights, born or unborn as we strive to live out the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
PARISH HALL RENTAL The parish hall is available for family gatherings, wedding receptions, birthday parties, quinceneara parties, to name a few events. For more information or to take a tour of the parish hall please contact our Facilities Coordinator, Joey Soto at 325-372-7190. (Call or text after 4:00 pm) Gift Store purchase of candles and religious items: Monday - Friday 9-12 pm; Tuesday - Thursday 2-5 pm Please contact the Religious Education Office at 325-646-9630 should you need to set up an appointment after hours. To stay up to date with events and announcements, download myParish App, text App to 88202 or visit myparishapp.com to download. New or current Parishioners, if you have recently changed any household information such as address or phone number, or had a change with any household members. Please call the Parish Office at 325-646-7455 or complete census form and return to office. |